Finley Resources Inc., MWS Management Inc., and Prize Permanent Holdings, LLC v. United Mexican States (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/25)
- A - Request for Arbitration - 03.25.2021
- Exhibits
- Exhibit 01 (Proof of Claimants' Nationality).pdf
- Exhibit 02 (Internal Actions Authorizing Arbitration).pdf
- Exhibit 03 (Claimants' Executed Power of Attorney).pdf
- Exhibit 04 (NAFTA, Chapter 11).pdf
- Exhibit 05 (USMCA, Chapter 14).pdf
- Exhibit 06 (Finley and Prize - Notice of Intent - No. 421004821).pdf
- Exhibit 07 (Claimants' Consents and Waivers).pdf
- Exhibit 08 (Parties' Consultations).pdf
- Exhibit 09 (MWS and Prize - Notice of Intent - No. 424042803).pdf
- Exhibit 10 (MWS and Prize - Notice of Intent - 424043804).pdf
- Exhibit 11 (Prize ownership of Bisell).pdf
- Exhibit 12 (Prize ownership of Drake-Mesa).pdf
- Finley Resources, Inc. et al - Response to the Centre - April 30, 2021.pdf
- Exhibits
- B - Request for Interim Measures – 12.14.2021
- Claimants' Exhibits
- C-0013-ESP, Letter from Pemex to Drake-Mesa (received Nov. 8, 2021).pdf
- C-0014-ESP, Letter from Pemex to Fianzas Dorma, S.A. (received Dec. 3, 2021).pdf
- C-0015-ENG-ESP, Email from Claimants to Mexico (Nov. 12, 2021).pdf
- C-0016-ENG-ESP, Email from Mexico to Claimants (Nov. 18, 2021).pdf
- C-0017-ESP, Letter from Mexico to Claimants (Dec. 1, 2021).pdf
- Claimants' Legal Authorities
- CL-0001-ENG, Born - Provisional Relief in International Arbitration.pdf
- CL-0002-ENG-ESP, City Oriente Limited v. The Republic of Ecuador.pdf
- CL-0003-ENG-ESP, Quiborax SA v. Plurinational State of Bolivia.pdf
- CL-0004-ENG, Bismuth - Anatomy of the Law and Practice of Interim Protective Measures.pdf
- CL-0005-ENG, Tanzania Elec. Supply Co. v. Independent Power Tanzania Ltd.pdf
- CL-0006-ENG, PNG Sustainable Development Program Ltd. v. Papua New Guina.pdf
- CL-0007-ENG, Sergei Paushok v. Mongolia.pdf
- CL-0008-ENG-ESP, Perenco Ecuador Ltd v. Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petróleos del Ecuador.pdf
- CL-0009-ENG, Plama Consortium Ltd v. Bulgaria.pdf
- CL-0010-ENG, Sarooshi - Provisional Measures and Investment Treaty Arbitration.pdf
- CL-0011-ENG, Biwater Gauff (Tanzania) Ltd v. Tanzania.pdf
- CL-0012-ENG, Tokios Tokelés v. Ukraine.pdf
- Courtesy Translations
- Claimants' Index of Exhibits - C-0001 to C-0017.pdf
- Claimants' Index of Legal Authorities CL-0001 to CL-0012.pdf
- Request for Interim Measures of Protection-Claimants-ENG.pdf
- Request for Interim Measures of Protection-Supplement-Claimants-ENG.pdf
- Statement-Cristina Vizcaino-Request for Interim Measures-ENG.pdf
- Claimants' Exhibits
- C - Response to Request for Interim Measures – 01.03.2022
- 01. Anexos
- 02. Autoridades Legales
- 03. Traducciones
- Factual Exhibits
- Legal Authorities
- 220103 Respondent- Response to Interim Measures-ENG.pdf
- D - Statement of Claim - 06.10. 2022
- Courtesy Translations
- Accompanying Documents
- C-0019-ENG (Plante and Canas, Reforma Energetica Mexico Takes 1st Steps) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0036-ENG (Graves - Mexico_s Energy Deregulation Could Benefit Texas) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0038-ENG (Alcala - CNH A Brief Explanation) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0044-ENG (Email from B Irani to J Finley (May 31 2012)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0045-ENG (Email from Pemex to J Finley (Apr 25 2013)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0046-ENG (Email from Pemex to Finley (May 5 2013)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0047-ENG (Lozoya will remain in jail; mag dismisses appeal against pre-trial detention, INFOBAE) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0048-ENG (By the son of a winemaker in the shadow of Lozoya, NEWSBEEZER) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0049-ENG (Email from F. Gracia to J. Finley (March 12, 2013)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0050-ENG (Email from L. Kernion to J. Finley (April 1, 2013)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0051-ENG (Letter from F. Gracia to J. Finley (April 10, 2013)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0052-ENG (Letter from F. Gracia to J. Finely (April 10, 2013)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0053-ENG (Email from F. Gracia to J. Finley (Jan. 13, 2014)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0054-ENG (Email from L. Kernion to J. Finley (Jan. 9, 2014)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0055-ENG (Email from J. Finley to F. Gracia (Jan. 13, 2014)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0057-ENG (Email from F. Gracia to J. Finley (May 5, 2013)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0059-SPA (Email from A. Sepulveda to J. Finley (Oct. 22, 2012)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0060-ENG (Email from L. Kernion to J. Finley (Oct. 11, 2012)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0061-ENG (Email from J. Finley to F. Gracia (March 13, 2013)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0064-ENG (Email from B. Irani to J. Finley (May 31, 2012)) - Spanish.pdf
- C-0089-ENG (Email from L. Kernion to J. Finley (Feb. 12, 2014)) - Spanish.pdf
- CL-0016-ENG - Canadian Statement on Implementation of the NAFTA, Canada Gazette, Part I, Jan. 1, 1994 - Spanish.pdf
- CL-0031-ENG - draft articles on responsbility - Spanish.pdf
- CL-0085-ENG - Minimum Standards of Treatment - Spanish.pdf
- CL-0086-ENG - How long is too long - Spanish.pdf
- CL-0088-ENG - Castillo, et al. v. P.M.I. Holdings, Memorandum & Order - Spanish.pdf
- Submissions
- Accompanying Documents
- Exhibits
- C-0018-ENG (Mexico Oil and Gas Review (2012)).pdf
- C-0019-ENG (Plante and Canas, Reforma Energetica Mexico Takes 1st Steps).pdf
- C-0020-SPA (Proyecto Aceite Treciario Del Golfo Primera Revision y Recomendaciones).pdf
- C-0021-SPA (Pemex Business Plan (2010-2024)).pdf
- C-0022-ENG (Pemex September 2012 presentation).pdf
- C-0023-ENG (Letter from Pemex to Finley and Drake-Mesa (Mar 14 2017)).pdf
- C-0024-ENG (804 Contract Finiquito (Apr. 10 2015)).pdf
- C-0025-ENG (Pemex Form 20-F 12-31-2010).pdf
- C-0026-ENG (Pemex Form 20-F 12-31-2011).pdf
- C-0027-ENG (Pemex Form 20-F 12-31-2012).pdf
- C-0028-ENG (Pemex Form 20-F 12-31-2013).pdf
- C-0029-ENG (Pemex Form 20-F 12-31-2014).pdf
- C-0030-ENG (Pemex Form 20-F 12-31-2015).pdf
- C-0031-ENG (Pemex Form 20-F 12-31-2016).pdf
- C-0032-SPA (803 Contract).pdf
- C-0033-SPA (804 Contract).pdf
- C-0034-SPA (821 Contract).pdf
- C-0035-ENG (PEMEX E&P activities in Mexico - Youtube).mp4.pdf
- C-0035-ENG (Youtube video slipsheet).pdf
- C-0036-ENG (Graves - Mexico’s Energy Deregulation Could Benefit Texas).pdf
- C-0037-SPA (Project Tertiary Oil of Gulf 1st Review & Recommends (2010)).pdf
- C-0038-ENG (Alcala - CNH A Brief Explanation).pdf
- C-0039-ENG (Mexico Oil and Gas Review (2013)).PDF
- C-0040-SPA (Intl Pub Tender FTA No 18575051-582-11 (2011) (803 Contract)).pdf
- C-0041-SPA (Email from M. Alvarez to L. Kernion (Feb. 9, 2012)).pdf
- C-0042-SPA (803 Contract Bid Materials).pdf
- C-0043-SPA (Intl Pub Tender FTA No 18575088-542-13 (2013) (821 Contract)).pdf
- C-0044-ENG (Email from B Irani to J Finley (May 31 2012)).pdf
- C-0045-ENG (Email from Pemex to J Finley (Apr 25 2013)).pdf
- C-0046-ENG (Email from Pemex to Finley (May 5 2013)).pdf
- C-0047-ENG (Lozoya will remain in jail; mag dismisses appeal against pre-trial detention, INFOBAE).pdf
- C-0048-ENG (By the son of a winemaker in the shadow of Lozoya, NEWSBEEZER).pdf
- C-0049-ENG (Email from F. Gracia to J. Finley (March 12, 2013)).pdf
- C-0050-ENG (Email from L. Kernion to J. Finley (April 1, 2013)).pdf
- C-0051-ENG (Letter from F. Gracia to J. Finley (April 10, 2013)).pdf
- C-0052-ENG (Letter from F. Gracia to J. Finley (April 10, 2013)).pdf
- C-0053-ENG (Email from F. Gracia to J. Finley (Jan. 13, 2014)).pdf
- C-0054-ENG (Email from L. Kernion to J. Finley (Jan. 9, 2014)).pdf
- C-0055-ENG (Email from J. Finley to F. Gracia (Jan. 13, 2014)).pdf
- C-0056-ENG (Email from F. Gracia to L. Kernion (Jan. 22, 2014)).pdf
- C-0057-ENG (Email from F. Gracia to J. Finley (May 5, 2013)).pdf
- C-0058-ENG (Pemex’s Guaso Brings International Perspective to DUG Permian Basin).pdf
- C-0059-SPA (Email from A. Sepulveda to J. Finley (Oct. 22, 2012)).pdf
- C-0060-ENG (Email from L. Kernion to J. Finley (Oct. 11, 2012)).pdf
- C-0061-ENG (Email from J. Finley to F. Gracia (March 13, 2013)).pdf
- C-0062-SPA (Acta Circunstanciada (April 9, 2018)).pdf
- C-0063-ENG (Well Construction and Field Development in Mexico, OILFIELD REVIEW).pdf
- C-0064-ENG (Email from B. Irani to J. Finley (May 31, 2012)).pdf
- C-0065-SPA (Letter from Pemex to Claimants (Sept. 4, 2012)).pdf
- C-0066-ENG (Johnson, Who is Emilio Lozoya GLOBELIVEMEDIA).pdf
- C-0067-SPA (Letter from Pemex to MWS and Bisell (July 25, 2013)).pdf
- C-0068-SPA (Pemex Internal Letter (Oct. 30, 2013)).pdf
- C-0069-SPA (Letter from Bisell and MWS to Pemex (Nov. 11, 2013)).pdf
- C-0070-SPA (Letter from Bisell and MWS to Pemex (Nov. 14, 2013)).pdf
- C-0071-SPA (Pemex Internal Memo (Nov. 19, 2013)).pdf
- C-0072-SPA (Pemex Internal Memo (Dec. 18, 2013)).pdf
- C-0073-SPA (Letter from Pemex to MWS and Bisell (Dec. 26, 2013)).pdf
- C-0074-SPA (Finiquito Contract 803 (Feb. 10, 2015)).pdf
- C-0075-SPA (Pemex Business Plan 2013-2017).pdf
- C-0076-SPA (Letter from Pemex to MWS and Bisell (July 12, 2013)).pdf
- C-0077-SPA (Letter from Pemex to MWS and Bisell (July 25, 2013)).pdf
- C-0078-SPA (Letter from Pemex to MWS and Bisell (Sept. 2, 2013)).pdf
- C-0079-SPA (Pemex Internal Memo (Sept. 19, 2013)).pdf
- C-0080-SPA (Pemex Internal Memo (Oct. 15, 2013)).pdf
- C-0081-SPA (Pemex Letter to Bisell (Oct. 30, 2013)).pdf
- C-0082-SPA (Pemex Internal Email (Nov. 7, 2013)).pdf
- C-0083-SPA (Pemex Internal Email (Nov. 28, 2013)).pdf
- C-0084-SPA (Pemex Internal Email (Dec. 10, 2013)).pdf
- C-0085-SPA (Pemex Internal Email (Dec. 13, 2013)).pdf
- C-0086-SPA (Pemex Internal Memo (Jan. 2, 2014)).pdf
- C-0087-SPA (Letter from Pemex to MWS and Bisell (February 14, 2014)).pdf
- C-0088-SPA (821 Prequalification Requirements).pdf
- C-0089-ENG (Email from L. Kernion to J. Finley (Feb. 12, 2014)).pdf
- C-0090-SPA (Pemex 821 work order (Feb. 24, 2015)).pdf
- C-0091-SPA (Pemex Internal Email (Nov. 13, 2014)).pdf
- C-0092-SPA (Letter from Pemex to Finley and Drake-Mesa (July 16, 2015)).pdf
- C-0093-SPA (Letter from Finley and Drake-Mesa to Pemex (Aug. 12, 2015)).pdf
- C-0094-SPA (Letter from Pemex to Finley and Drake-Mesa (July 28, 2015)).pdf
- C-0095-SPA (Pemex Internal Letter (Sept. 24, 2015)).pdf
- C-0096-SPA (Letter from Pemex to Finley and Drake-Mesa (Jan. 21, 2016)).pdf
- C-0097-SPA (Letter from Pemex to Finley and Drake-Mesa (Jan. 22, 2016)).pdf
- C-0098-SPA (Pemex Work Order (Nov. 18, 2016)).pdf
- C-0099-SPA (Internal Pemex Document (2015)).pdf
- C-0100-SPA (Guidelines for Drilling Wells, CNH (Oct. 4, 2016)).pdf
- C-0101-SPA (Resolución No. CNH.UTEXP_.0382017).pdf
- C-0102-SPA (Pemex spreadsheet of rescissions (2006 & 2016)).pdf
- C-0103-SPA (Internal Pemex Letter (May 8, 2017)).pdf
- C-0104-SPA (Letter from Pemex to Finley and Drake-Mesa (July 31, 2017)).pdf
- C-0105-SPA (Rodrigo Hernández Ordóñez, LinkedIn).pdf
- C-0106-SPA (Letter from Pemex to Finley and Drake-Mesa (Aug. 28, 2017)).pdf
- C-0107-SPA (Acta Circunstanciada (821 Contract)).pdf
- C-0108-SPA (Dorama Letter Received (Jan. 12. 2022)).pdf
- C-0109-SPA (Grupo IPS).pdf
- C-0110-ENG (Crude oil - 2022 Data - 1983-2021 Historical, TRADING ECONOMICS).pdf
- C-0111-ENG (Mexico Oil and Gas Review (2014)).pdf
- C-0112-ENG (Mexico Oil and Gas Review (2015)).pdf
- C-0113-SPA (Classification of Hydrocarbons, CNH).pdf
- C-0114-SPA (La Jornada article).pdf
- C-0115-SPA (Numeros y Firmas article).pdf
- C-0116-SPA (El Heraldo de Poza Rica article (June 15, 2016)).pdf
- C-0117-SPA (El Heraldo de Poza Rica arctile (Feb 24 2016)).pdf
- C-0118-SPA (El Heraldo de Poza Rica article (Jul. 21, 2016)).pdf
- C-0119-SPA (Email from Q. Alma to L. Kernion (March 23, 2013)).pdf
- C-0120-SPA (804 Contract Amendment (Feb. 28, 2014)).pdf
- Expert Exhibits
- Annex A-Rodrigo Zamora Etcharren CV.pdf
- Annex B-Daniel Amézquita Díaz CV.pdf
- RZ-001. Constitution.pdf
- RZ-002. Federal Code of Civil Prodecure.pdf
- RZ-003. Amparo Law.pdf
- RZ-004. Federal Administrative Code of Contentious Procedure.pdf
- RZ-005. Organic Law of the Federal Judicial Power.pdf
- RZ-006. General Plenary Agreement of the Supreme Court No. 5-2013.pdf
- RZ-007. First Appeal Jugment CP-803.pdf
- RZ-008. Amparo Judgment CP-803.PDF
- RZ-009. SISE 75-2015.pdf
- RZ-010. SISE 30-2016.pdf
- RZ-011. SISE 36-2016.pdf
- RZ-012. SISE 4-2017.pdf
- RZ-013. Review Judgment CP-803.PDF
- RZ-014. Second Appeal Judgment CP-803.PDF
- RZ-015. SISE 1-2020.pdf
- RZ-016. Amparo Judgment CP-804.pdf
- RZ-017. Dismissal District Court Judgment.pdf
- RZ-018. Appeal Judgment CP-804.pdf
- RZ-019. Official communication dated 2 July 2019.pdf
- RZ-020. Official communication dated 1 October 2019.pdf
- RZ-021. Official communication dated 2 January 2020.pdf
- RZ-022. Official communication dated 4 February 2020.pdf
- RZ-023. Official communication dated 20 August 2020.pdf
- RZ-024. Official communication dated 18 August 2021.pdf
- RZ-025. Official communication dated 2 December 2021.pdf
- RZ-026. District Court Judgment CP-821.pdf
- RZ-027. First Appeal Judgment CP-821.pdf
- RZ-028. SISE 898-2017.pdf
- RZ-029. SISE 425-2018.pdf
- RZ-030. SISE 426-2018.pdf
- RZ-031. First Amparo Judgment CP-821.pdf
- RZ-032. Second Amparo Judgment CP-821.pdf
- RZ-033. Fourth Jugment of the Court of Appeals CP-821.pdf
- RZ-034. SISE 875-2019.pdf
- RZ-035. Third Amparo Judgment CP-821.pdf
- RZ-036. Fourth Amparo Judgment CP-821.PDF
- RZ-037. Withdrawal writs.pdf
- RZ-038. Fifth Judgment of the Court of Appeals CP-821.pdf
- RZ-039. Administrative Court Judgment AP-821.pdf
- RZ-040. Judgment dated 30 January 2020.PDF
- RZ-042~1.PDF
- RZ-043. SISE 74-2019.pdf
- RZ-044. Commerce Code.pdf
- RZ-055. American Convention on Human Rights.pdf
- RZ-056. PLAZO RAZONABLE, Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.pdf
- RZ-057. Suárez Rosero v. Ecuador, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 12 November 1997, Sequence C No. 35.pdf
- RZ-058. Ethics Code of the Administrative Code.pdf
- Legal Authorities
- CL-0013-SPA - Ley Petroleos Mexicanos 2008.pdf
- CL-0014-SPA - Ley Petroleos Mexicanos 2014.pdf
- CL-0015-SPA - Disposiciones Administrativas de Contratación.pdf
- CL-0016-ENG - Canadian Statement on Implementation of the NAFTA, Canada Gazette, Part I, Jan. 1, 1994.pdf
- CL-0017-ENG - SPA - Thunderbird v Mexico - Award.pdf
- CL-0018-ENG - Pope & Talbot - Damages.pdf
- CL-0019-ENG - SPA - Lion Mexico v. Mexico.pdf
- CL-0020-ENG - Orascom v Algeria - Award.pdf
- CL-0021-ENG - Salini v Morocco - Decision on Jurisdiction.pdf
- CL-0022-ENG - AMF v Czech Republic.pdf
- CL-0023-ENG - Decl of J Carlos Gonzalez Magallanes.pdf
- CL-0024-SPA - Estatuto Organic Pemex 2017.pdf
- CL-0025-SPA - Ley Organica de la Administracion Publica Federal.pdf
- CL-0026-ENG - Mesa Power Group v Canada - Award.pdf
- CL-0027-ENG - Windstream Energy v Canada - Award.pdf
- CL-0028-SPA - Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.pdf
- CL-0029-SPA - Decreto creacion Pemex 1938.pdf
- CL-0030-ENG - UPS v Canada - Award on the Merits.pdf
- CL-0031-ENG - draft articles on responsbility.pdf
- CL-0032-ENG - SPA Cargill v Mexico.pdf
- CL-0033-ENG - FW Oil Interests v Trinidad.pdf
- CL-0034-ENG - Flemingo v Poland.pdf
- CL-0035-FR - Italy v. Cuba.pdf
- CL-0036-ENG-Pemex Form F-4, 2018.pdf
- CL-0037-ENG - UNCTAD - Fair and Equitable Treatment.pdf
- CL-0038-ENG - Motion to Dismiss.pdf
- CL-0039-ENG - Koza v Turkmenistan.pdf
- CL-0040-ENG - Saint Gobain v Venezuela - Decision on Liability and Principles of Quantum.pdf
- CL-0041-ENG - AMPAL v Egypt.pdf
- CL-0042-ENG - Karkey Karadeniz Electrik v Pakistan.pdf
- CL-0043-ENG - EnCana v Ecuador.pdf
- CL-0044-ENG - SPA Azinian v Mexico.pdf
- CL-0045-ENG - Loewen Group v USA.pdf
- CL-0046-ENG - Waguih Elie v Egypt - Award.pdf
- CL-0047-ENG - Sistem v Kyrgyz Republic - Award.pdf
- CL-0048-ENG - Cake v Hungary.pdf
- CL-0049-ENG - ADF v USA.pdf
- CL-0050-ENG - SPA - Feldman v Mexico.pdf
- CL-0051-ENG - SPA - Corn Products v Mexico.pdf
- CL-0052-ENG - Alpha Projektholding v Ukraine.pdf
- CL-0053-ENG - SD Myers v Canada - Partial Award.pdf
- CL-0054-ENG - SPA - Waste Management v Mexico - Award.pdf
- CL-0055-ENG - SPA - Gami v Mexico - Award.pdf
- CL-0056-ENG - Merril Ring v Canada - Award.pdf
- CL-0057-ENG - Saluka v Czech Republic - Partial Award.pdf
- CL-0058-ENG - MTD v Chile - Award.pdf
- CL-0059-ENG - Mondev v US - Award.pdf
- CL-0060-ENG - Loewen v US - Award.pdf
- CL-0061-ENG - Sempra v Argentina - Award.pdf
- CL-0062-ENG - Glamis Gold v USA.pdf
- CL-0063-ENG - ADC v Hungary.pdf
- CL-0064-ENG - Tecmed v Mexico - Award.pdf
- CL-0065-ENG - Kardassopoulos v Georgia - Award.pdf
- CL-0066-ENG - Rumeli v Kazakhstan - Award.pdf
- CL-0067-ENG - Decl of J Mora Salas.pdf
- CL-0069-ENG - Duke Energy v Ecuador - Award.pdf
- CL-0070-ENG - Impregilo v Pakistan.pdf
- CL-0071-ENG - SGS v Paraguay - Decision on Jurisdiction.pdf
- CL-0072-ENG - CME v Czech Republic - Partial Award.pdf
- CL-0073-ENG - CMS v Argentina - Award.pdf
- CL-0074-ENG - EDF v Romania.pdf
- CL-0075-ENG - Pope & Talbot v Canada - Award on the Merits Phase 2.pdf
- CL-0076-ENG - Tokio Tokeles v Ukraine.pdf
- CL-0077-ENG - Vivendi II v Argentina - Award.pdf
- CL-0078-ENG - Desert Line v Yemen - Award.pdf
- CL-0079-ENG - Biwater Gauff v Tanzania - Award.pdf
- CL-0080-ENG - Occidental v Ecuador - Award.pdf
- CL-0081-ENG - El Paso v Argentina.pdf
- CL-0082-ENG - Frontier v Czech Republic - Award.pdf
- CL-0083-ENG - Taftneft v Ukraine - Award on the Merits.pdf
- CL-0084-ENG - Manolium Processing v Belarus - Award.pdf
- CL-0085-ENG - Minimum Standards of Treatment.pdf
- CL-0086-ENG - How long is too long.pdf
- CL-0087-ENG - Krederi v Ukraine.pdf
- CL-0088-ENG - Castillo, et al. v. P.M.I. Holdings, Memorandum & Order.pdf
- Submissions
- Claimants - Index of Legal Authorities - CL-0001 to CL-0088 (updated June 15, 2022).pdf
- Claimants' Index of Exhibits C-0001 to C-0120 (updated June 15, 2022).pdf
- Expert Report - R. Zamora and D. Amézquita - Statement of Claim - ENG.pdf
- Redfern Schedule - Claimants - Statement of Claim - ENG.docx
- Redfern Schedule - Claimants - Statement of Claim - ENG.pdf
- Statement of Claim - Claimants - ENG.pdf
- Witness Statement - Jim Finley - Statement of Claim - ENG.pdf
- Witness Statement - Luis Kernion - Statement of Claim - ENG.pdf
- Courtesy Translations
- E - Counter-Memorial - 12.02.2022
- 2022.12.21 Demandada. Traducciones de Cortesía
- Anexos Documentales - Memorial de Contestación de Demanda
- R-0018-ENG.pdf
- R-0019-ENG.pdf
- R-0020-ENG.pdf
- R-0021-ENG.pdf
- R-0022-ENG.pdf
- R-0023-ENG.pdf
- R-0024-ENG.pdf
- R-0025-ENG.pdf
- R-0026-ENG.pdf
- R-0027-ENG.pdf
- R-0029-ENG.pdf
- R-0030-ENG.pdf
- R-0031-ENG.pdf
- R-0032-ENG.pdf
- R-0033-ENG.pdf
- R-0034-ENG.pdf
- R-0035-ENG.pdf
- R-0037-ENG.pdf
- R-0038-ENG.pdf
- R-0039-ENG.pdf
- R-0040-ENG.pdf
- R-0041-ENG.pdf
- R-0042-ENG.pdf
- R-0043-ENG.pdf
- R-0044-ENG.pdf
- R-0045-ENG.pdf
- R-0046-ENG.pdf
- R-0047-ENG.pdf
- R-0048 ENG.pdf
- R-0049-ENG.pdf
- R-0050 ENG.pdf
- R-0051-ENG.pdf
- R-0052-ENG.pdf
- R-0053 ENG.pdf
- R-0054 ENG.pdf
- R-0055-ENG.pdf
- R-0056-ENG.pdf
- R-0057-ENG.pdf
- R-0058-ENG.pdf
- R-0059-ENG.pdf
- R-0060-ENG.pdf
- R-0061-ENG.pdf
- R-0062-ENG.pdf
- R-0063-ENG.pdf
- R-0064-ENG.pdf
- R-0065-ENG.pdf
- R-0066-ENG.pdf
- R-0067-ENG.pdf
- R-0068-ENG.pdf
- R-0069-ENG.pdf
- R-0070-ENG.pdf
- R-0071-ENG.pdf
- R-0072-ENG.pdf
- R-0073-ENG.pdf
- R-0074-ENG.pdf
- R-0075-ENG.pdf
- R-0076-ENG.pdf
- R-0077-ENG.pdf
- R-0078-ENG.pdf
- R-0079-ENG.pdf
- R-0080-ENG.pdf
- R-0081-ENG.pdf
- R-0082-ENG.pdf
- R-0083-ENG.pdf
- R-0084-ENG.pdf
- R-0085-ENG.pdf
- R-0086-ENG.pdf
- R-0087-ENG.pdf
- R-0088-ENG.pdf
- R-0089-ENG.pdf
- R-0090-ENG.pdf
- R-0091-ENG.pdf
- R-0092-ENG.pdf
- R-0093-ENG.pdf
- R-0097-ENG.pdf
- R-0098-ENG.pdf
- R-0099-ENG.pdf
- R-0100-ENG.pdf
- R-0101-ENG.pdf
- R-0102-ENG.pdf
- Counter Memorial-ENG .pdf
- ER- Jorge Asali- ENG.pdf
- WS-Rodrigo Loustaunau Martínez-ENG.pdf
- Anexos Documentales - Memorial de Contestación de Demanda
- Anexos IE Jorge Asali
- Anexo A, Términos definidos.pdf
- Anexo B, CV de Jorge Asali Harfuch.pdf
- JAH-0001, Tesis 2024138.pdf
- JAH-0002, Tesis VII-CASR-PE-32.pdf
- JAH-0003, Tesis 189995.pdf
- JAH-0004, Tesis 182024.pdf
- JAH-0005, DACS.pdf
- JAH-0006, Tesis 188644.pdf
- JAH-0007, Tesis 2017484.pdf
- JAH-0008, Tesis 2016318.pdf
- JAH-0009, Tesis 2016485.pdf
- JAH-0010, Tesis 2018385.pdf
- JAH-0011, Tesis 2019337.pdf
- JAH-0012, Código Civil Federal.pdf
- JAH-0013, Tesis 164576.pdf
- JAH-0014, Teoría General del Proceso.pdf
- JAH-0015, Ley Orgánica del TFJA.pdf
- JAH-0016, Acuerdo del 15 de octubre de 2015 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0017, Acuerdo del 6 de enero de 2016 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0018, Incidente de incompetencia por razón de materia Pemex 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0019, Acuerdo 22 de enero de 2016 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0020, Sentencia interlocutoria de 2 de marzo de 2016 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0021, Sentencia interlocutoria de 14 de julio de 2016 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0022, Sentencia interlocutoria del 21 de septiembre de 2016 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0023, Ampliación de la demanda 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0024, Acuerdo General 04-2020.pdf
- JAH-0025, Escrito de desistimiento de demanda y acuerdo 22 marzo 2021 75-2015.pdf
- JAH-0026, Escrito inicial juicio admin 54-03-19-17-06-5.pdf
- JAH-0027, Acuerdo de 17 de febrero de 2022 juicio admin 54 03-19-17-06-5.pdf
- JAH-0028, Boletín Electrónico TFJA.pdf
- JAH-0029, SISE 200-2016.pdf
- JAH-0030, Ampliación a la demanda 200-2016.pdf
- JAH-0031, Acuerdo General 20-2009.pdf
- JAH-0032, Sentencia 2 abril 2019 200-2016.pdf
- JAH-0033, Acuerdo de admisión de demanda 5 septiembre 2017 juicio admin 20356-17-17-12-2.pdf
- JAH-0034, Tesis 2013301.pdf
- JAH-0035, Tesis 2002350.pdf
- JAH-0036, El derecho humano a una justicia expedita.pdf
- JAH-0037, Censo Nacional de Impartición de Justicia Federal 2021.pdf
- JAH-0038, Índice Global de Impunidad.pdf
- JAH-0039, Anexo estadístico 2016 para el séptimo circuito.pdf
- JAH-0040, Movimientos estadísticos en materia admin.pdf
- JAH-0041, Tesis 226173.pdf
- JAH-0042, Tesis 203320.pdf
- JAH-0043, Tesis 252581.pdf
- JAH-0044, Tesis 161681.pdf
- JAH-0045, Tesis 178665.pdf
- JAH-0046, Tesis 2025452.pdf
- JAH-0047, Tesis 2016485.pdf
- JAH-0048, Tesis 2018385.pdf
- JAH-0049, Tesis 2019337.pdf
- JAH-0050, Acuerdo General 21 2020.pdf
- JAH-0051, Acuerdo sobre sistema de citas.pdf
- JAH-0052 Solicitudes de entrevistas con jueces y magistrados_Testado.pdf
- JAH-0054, Tesis 2021518.pdf
- JAH-0055, Suplencia de la queja en materia civil.pdf
- JAH-0056, Tesis 2008557.pdf
- JAH-0057, Tesis 176604.pdf
- JAH-0058, Tesis 2018415.pdf
- JAH-0059, Tesis 2003771.pdf
- JAH-0060, Tesis169923.pdf
- JAH-0061, Tesis 163725.pdf
- JAH-0062, Tesis 164180.pdf
- JAH-0063, Acta de Finiquito Contrato 809.pdf
- JAH-0064, Acta de reanudación contrato 809.pdf
- JAH-0065, Acta de suspensión contrato 809.pdf
- JAH-0066, Acta de Extinción contrato 809.pdf
- Anexos documentales
- R-0018-SPA.pdf
- R-0019-SPA.pdf
- R-0020-SPA.pdf
- R-0021-SPA.pdf
- R-0022-SPA.pdf
- R-0023-SPA.pdf
- R-0024-SPA.pdf
- R-0025-SPA.pdf
- R-0026-SPA.pdf
- R-0027-SPA.pdf
- R-0029-SPA.pdf
- R-0030-SPA.pdf
- R-0031-SPA.pdf
- R-0032-SPA.pdf
- R-0033-SPA.pdf
- R-0034-SPA.pdf
- R-0035-SPA.pdf
- R-0037-SPA.pdf
- R-0038-SPA.pdf
- R-0039-SPA.pdf
- R-0040-SPA.pdf
- R-0041-SPA.pdf
- R-0042-SPA.pdf
- R-0043-SPA.pdf
- R-0044-SPA.pdf
- R-0045-SPA.pdf
- R-0046-SPA.pdf
- R-0047-SPA.pdf
- R-0048-SPA.pdf
- R-0049-SPA.pdf
- R-0050-SPA.pdf
- R-0051-SPA.pdf
- R-0052-SPA.pdf
- R-0053-SPA.pdf
- R-0054-SPA.pdf
- R-0055-SPA.pdf
- R-0056-SPA.pdf
- R-0057-SPA.pdf
- R-0058-SPA.pdf
- R-0059-SPA.pdf
- R-0060-SPA.pdf
- R-0061-SPA.pdf
- R-0062-SPA.pdf
- R-0063-SPA.pdf
- R-0064-SPA.pdf
- R-0065-SPA.pdf
- R-0066-SPA.pdf
- R-0067-SPA.pdf
- R-0068-SPA.pdf
- R-0069-SPA.pdf
- R-0070-SPA .pdf
- R-0071-SPA.pdf
- R-0072-SPA.pdf
- R-0073-SPA .pdf
- R-0074-SPA.pdf
- R-0075-SPA.pdf
- R-0076-SPA.pdf
- R-0077-SPA.pdf
- R-0078-SPA.pdf
- R-0079-SPA.pdf
- R-0080-SPA.pdf
- R-0081-SPA.pdf
- R-0082-SPA.pdf
- R-0083-SPA.pdf
- R-0084-SPA.pdf
- R-0085-SPA.pdf
- R-0086-SPA.pdf
- R-0087-SPA.pdf
- R-0088-SPA.pdf
- R-0089-SPA.pdf
- R-0090-SPA.pdf
- R-0091-SPA.pdf
- R-0092-SPA.pdf
- R-0093-SPA.pdf
- R-0097-SPA.pdf
- R-0098-SPA.pdf
- R-0099-SPA.pdf
- R-0100-SPA.pdf
- R-0101-SPA.pdf
- R-0102-SPA.pdf
- R-0103-ENG.pdf
- R-0104-ENG.pdf
- R-0105-ENG.pdf
- R-0106-ENG.pdf
- R-0107-ENG.pdf
- Autoridades Legales
- RL-0018-SPA.pdf
- RL-0019-ENG.pdf
- RL-0020-ENG.pdf
- RL-0021-SPA.pdf
- RL-0022-ENG.pdf
- RL-0023-ENG.pdf
- RL-0024-ENG.pdf
- RL-0025-ENG.pdf
- RL-0026-ENG.pdf
- RL-0027-ENG.pdf
- RL-0028-ENG.pdf
- RL-0029-ENG.pdf
- RL-0030-ENG.pdf
- RL-0031-ENG.pdf
- RL-0032-ENG.pdf
- RL-0033-SPA.pdf
- RL-0034-SPA.pdf
- RL-0035-SPA.pdf
- RL-0036-ENG.pdf
- RL-0037-ENG.pdf
- RL-0038-ENG.pdf
- RL-0039-ENG.pdf
- RL-0040-ENG.pdf
- RL-0041-ENG.pdf
- RL-0042-SPA.pdf
- RL-0043-ENG.pdf
- RL-0044-ENG.pdf
- RL-0045-ENG.pdf
- RL-0046-ENG.pdf
- RL-0047-ENG.pdf
- RL-0048-ENG.pdf
- RL-0049-ENG.pdf
- RL-0050-ENG.pdf
- RL-0051-ENG.pdf
- RL-0052-ENG.pdf
- RL-0053-ENG.pdf
- RL-0054-ENG.pdf
- RL-0055-ENG.pdf
- RL-0056-ENG.pdf
- RL-0057-SPA.pdf
- RL-0058-ENG.pdf
- RL-0059-ENG.pdf
- RL-0060-ENG.pdf
- RL-0061-ENG.pdf
- RL-0062-ENG.pdf
- RL-0063-SPA.pdf
- RL-0064-ENG.pdf
- RL-0065-ENG.pdf
- RL-0066-ENG.pdf
- RL-0067-SPA.pdf
- RL-0068-ENG.pdf
- RL-0069-ENG.pdf
- RL-0070-ENG.pdf
- RL-0071-ENG.pdf
- RL-0073-ENG.pdf
- RL-0074-ENG.pdf
- RL-0075-SPA.pdf
- RL-0076-ENG.pdf
- RL-0077-ENG.pdf
- RL-0078-ENG.pdf
- RL-0079-ENG.pdf
- RL-0080-ENG.pdf
- RL-0081-SPA.pdf
- RL-0082-ENG.pdf
- RL-0083-ENG.pdf
- RL-0084-SPA.pdf
- RL-0085-ENG.pdf
- RL-0086-ENG.pdf
- RL-0087-ENG.pdf
- RL-0088-ENG.pdf
- RL-0089-SPA.pdf
- RL-0090-SPA.pdf
- RL-0091-ENG.pdf
- Índice Consolidado-Memorial Contestacion-ESP.pdf
- DT-Rodrigo Loustaunau-Contestación-ESP.pdf
- IE-Jorge Asali-Contestación-ESP.pdf
- Memorial de Contestación-ESP.pdf
- 2022.12.21 Demandada. Traducciones de Cortesía
- F - Reply - 04.14.2023
- Courtesy Translations
- Traducción a español - Reply - Claimants.pdf.pdf
- Traducción a español - Second Expert Report - Rodrigo Zamora Etcharren and Daniel Amézquita Díaz - Reply.pdf
- Traducción a español - Second Witness Statement - Jim Finley - Reply.pdf
- Traducción a español - Second Witness Statement - Luis Kernion - Reply.pdf
- Exhibits
- C-0098-SPA (Pemex Work Order (Nov. 18, 2016)) (1).pdf
- C-0121-SPA (804 Contract Definitions).pdf
- C-0122-SPA (Pemex internal PACMA memos (2016-2017)).pdf
- C-0123-SPA (PACMA Provision, 821 Contract).pdf
- C-0124-SPA (Email from Pemex to Finley and Drake-Mesa (March 24, 2017)).pdf
- C-0125-SPA (803 Contract Case Dismissal (Mar. 18, 2021)).pdf
- C-0127-SPA (Pemex’s Initial Answer to 821 Contract Administrative Proceeding).pdf
- C-0128-SPA (Internal Pemex Memo (May 16, 2018)).pdf
- C-0130-ENG (Emails between R. Keoseyan and A. Melsheimer (Jan. 23 2023))_Redacted.pdf
- C-0131-SPA (L. Kernion flight itinerary)_Redacted.pdf
- C-0132-SPA (L. Kernion hotel reservation)_Redacted.pdf
- C-0133-SPA (Text messages from R. Keoseyan to L. Kernion (Jan. 23, 2023)).pdf
- C-0134-ENG (L. Kernion call log from Jan. 23 2023)_Redacted.pdf
- C-0135-SPA (CNH Informe Annual 2016) (1).pdf
- C-0136-SPA (Pemex Response Coapechaca 1240 (June 6, 2022)).pdf
- C-0137-SPA (Pemex public records request (May 10, 2022)).pdf
- C-0138-SPA (Letter from Pemex to CNH (June 5, 2017)).pdf
- C-0139-SPA (Letter from Pemex to CNH (June 11, 2018)).pdf
- C-0140-SPA (Letter from Mexico to Claimants accompanying document disclosures (Feb. 24, 2023)).pdf
- C-0141-SPA (Letter from Pemex (Mar. 7, 2022)).pdf
- C-0142-SPA (Letter from Claimants to Pemex (Feb. 2, 2015)).pdf
- C-0143-SPA (Letter from Claimants to Pemex (Nov. 12, 2014)).pdf
- C-0145-SPA (Letter to ICSID from Mexico (Apr. 6, 2021)).pdf
- C-0146-ENG (Consent and Waiver on behalf of Drake-Finley).pdf
- C-0147-SPA (DT-6, 821 Contract).pdf
- C-0148-ENG (Assets List).pdf
- C-0149-SPA (Ownership of Drake-Finley).pdf
- C-0150-SPA (Ownership of Royal Shale).pdf
- C-0151-ENG (Organization of Finley).pdf
- C-0152-ENG (Organization of Prize).pdf
- C-0153-SPA (DT-3, 803 Contract).pdf
- C-0154-SPA (DT-9, 804 Contract).pdf
- C-0155-SPA (Pemex Response to Public Records Request (June 6, 2022)).pdf
- C-0156 (Investment Photos).pdf
- Expert Exhibits
- Legal Authorities
- CL-0089-SPA - Mexico’s Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law.pdf
- CL-0090-ENG - Corn Products International, Inc v United Mexican States - Order.pdf
- CL-0091-ENG - B-Mex, LLC and others v. United Mexican States - Award.pdf
- CL-0091-SPA - B-Mex, LLC and others v. United Mexican States - Award.pdf
- CL-0095-ENG - Railroad Development Corporation v. Republic of Guatemala - Decision.pdf
- CL-0096-ENG - Mesa Power Group, LLC v. Government of Canada - Opinion.pdf
- CL-0097-ENG - Pope & Talbot Inv. v. The Government of Canada - Award.pdf
- CL-0098-ENG - Pope & Talbot Inc. v. Government of Canada - Award.pdf
- CL-0099-ENG - Ethyl Corp. v. Canada - Award.pdf
- CL-0100-ENG - Canadian Cattlemen for Fair Trade v United States - Award.pdf
- CL-0101-ENG - Mercer International, Inc. v. Government of Canada - Submission.pdf
- CL-0102-ENG - Karol Wolfke, Custom in Present International Law.pdf
- Submissions
- Claimants' Index of Exhibits C-0001 to C-0156.pdf
- Claimants' Index of Legal Authorities CL-0001 to CL-0102.pdf
- Reply - Claimants - ENG.pdf
- Second Expert Report - Rodrigo Zamora Etcharren and Daniel Amezquita Diaz - Reply - ENG.pdf
- Second Witness Statement - Jim Finley - Reply - ENG.pdf
- Second Witness Statement - Luis Kernion - Reply - ENG.pdf
- Courtesy Translations