Panel Designation Procedure
Each Member State may designate candidates to the Panels of Conciliators and of Arbitrators at any time it has a vacant position (Administrative and Financial Regulation 21). Once a State has identified the persons it wishes to designate, the State should advise the Secretary-General of the names of the persons and provide copies of their curricula vitae (see sample letter from Member State). ICSID will confirm that the candidates agree to be on the Panel, and will add their names to the Panel lists.
The process followed to identify and select a Panel designee is entirely within the discretion of each Member State. As a result, persons wishing to be considered for a Panel designation who meet the required qualifications should direct any questions to a Member State.
The work of these persons is vital to the good functioning of the international investment dispute-resolution system. ICSID therefore encourages each Member State to designate four qualified persons to each Panel.
For further information please contact the Secretariat.