Panels of Arbitrators and of Conciliators

The ICSID Convention entitles each Member State to designate up to four persons to the Panel of Arbitrators and up to four persons to the Panel of Conciliators (Article 12 to 16 of the ICSID Convention). In addition, the Chairman of the Administrative Council of ICSID may designate up to ten persons to each Panel.

The designees of a Member State may be of any nationality. They serve for a renewable term of six years and may serve on both Panels simultaneously.

The arbitrators and conciliators listed on the Panels are available for selection to ICSID Tribunals, Conciliation Commissions and ad hoc Committees.  The Panel lists are used most often to appoint where the parties are unable to agree on a nominee (see Selection and Appointment of Tribunal Members). The Panel of Arbitrators is also used for appointment to ad hoc Committees.