​The ICSID Secretariat will be offering a one-day primer on practice and procedure in ICSID Convention Arbitration in Spanish. The course will take place in Mexico City, Mexico on June 18, 2014. The Secretary-General and three of our legal counsel at ICSID will take the participants through the workings of the ICSID system and assist them in understanding the process involved at each stage of arbitration. The course is aimed at anyone interested in ICSID arbitration who has not yet gained substantial experience in the field. It would be especially useful for government officials and legal practitioners which are or expect to be involved in ICSID proceedings. The topics covered include:

  • Pre-Arbitration Considerations
  • Request for Arbitration
  • Commencement of the Proceedings and Constitution of the Tribunal
  • Written and Oral Proceedings
  • Evidence
  • Provisional Measures
  • The Award
  • Post Award Remedies
  • Enforcement
  • Third Party Participation and Transparency of the Proceedings
  • Cost of an ICSID arbitration

Date: Wednesday June 18, 2014 (9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)

Venue: ITESM Campus Santa Fe Avenida Carlos Lazo 100, Alvaro Obregon, Santa Fe, 01389, Mexico City, Mexico

Cost: $1,500 pesos (or US$115 dollars) [includes materials, lunch, coffee breaks and certificate.]

Language: Spanish

Contact: icsidsecretariat@worldbank.org

Registration form