Virtual Hearings
ICSID provides comprehensive services and technology for virtual hearings in ICSID administered arbitrations, conciliations, mediations and fact-finding proceedings. They are also available in ad-hoc proceedings under UNCITRAL and other non-ICSID sets of rules at competitive rates.
Dedicated Support
A dedicated hearings team works with parties and tribunals prior to the hearing to discuss hardware requirements and test-run the video-conferencing software. A technical specialist and tribunal secretary are present throughout the hearing to ensure it runs smoothly.
State-of-the-Art Technology
ICSID offers a variety of state-of-the-art video conferencing platforms with high-definition audio and video, real-time document display, and virtual chat functions that allow participants to communicate seamlessly.
First-Class Security
All ICSID virtual hearings benefit from end-to-end encryption that meets the World Bank Group’s stringent security and risk requirements.
Court Reporting and Interpretation
A virtual court stenographer provides a real-time transcript of the proceeding, visible to all participants on the video-conference. ICSID is also able to offer a number of options for simultaneous interpretation in multiple languages.
Learn More
Contact for further information, including price-quotes and demos.