Services Provided by ICSID in Cases under the UNCITRAL Rules

ICSID provides a full range of services to parties and Tribunals in cases governed by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law’s Arbitration Rules (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules) and other non-ICSID investor-State arbitration rules. These range from full-service secretariat support to more limited assistance with the organization of hearings. 

  • ICSID Legal Counsel is available to serve as the Secretary to the Tribunal, offering a wide range of support and expertise. The Secretary is joined by paralegals and legal assistants who assist the parties and the Tribunal throughout the process. 
  • ICSID provides comprehensive support for the organization of hearings, sessions, telephone and video conferences and meeting rooms to the Tribunal and the parties. ICSID also has access to a wide network of experienced court reporters, translators, interpreters and other service providers. 
  • ICSID is available to manage the finances in cases under non-ICSID procedural rules when administered by ICSID. The Parties’ advances are held in an interest-bearing account, and ICSID handles all payments to arbitrators and service providers. Detailed interim financial statements can be provided to the parties at any time. At the conclusion of the case, interest accrued is returned to the parties in the proportion in which they contributed the funds. 
  • ICSID has a full-service hearing centre in Washington, D.C. with three large hearing rooms and eight breakout and deliberation rooms. Additional conference rooms are also available for ICSID hearings at the World Bank Group's headquarters in Washington, D.C. Parties that request ICSID’s full case administration may also use the World Bank Group’s conference center in Paris, France, and many of the World Bank's country offices. 
  • The Secretary-General of ICSID may be requested to act as the appointing authority in cases under non-ICSID rules. As the Appointing Authority, the Secretary-General will assist the parties with the appointment of arbitrators and in deciding challenges to arbitrators. 

For more information on ICSID’s services to cases under UNCITRAL Rules, contact us at