Chapter X: Suspension, Settlement and Discontinuance

Rule 64: Suspension of the Proceeding

(1) The Tribunal shall suspend the proceeding by agreement of the parties.

(2) The Tribunal may suspend the proceeding upon the request of either party or on its own initiative, except as otherwise provided in the ICSID Additional Facility Administrative and Financial Regulations or these Rules.

(3) The Tribunal shall give the parties the opportunity to make observations before ordering a suspension pursuant to paragraph (2).

(4) In its order suspending the proceeding, the Tribunal shall specify:

(a) the period of the suspension;

(b) any relevant terms; and

(c) a modified procedural calendar to take effect on resumption of the proceeding, if necessary.

(5) The Tribunal shall extend the period of a suspension prior to its expiry by agreement of the parties.

(6) The Tribunal may extend the period of a suspension prior to its expiry, on its own initiative or upon a party’s request, after giving the parties an opportunity to make observations.

(7) The Secretary-General shall suspend the proceeding pursuant to paragraph (1) or extend the suspension pursuant to paragraph (5) if the Tribunal has not yet been constituted or if there is a vacancy on the Tribunal. The parties shall inform the Secretary-General of the period of the suspension and any terms agreed to by the parties.

Rule 65: Settlement and Discontinuance by Agreement of the Parties

(1) If the parties notify the Tribunal that they have agreed to discontinue the proceeding, the Tribunal shall issue an order taking note of the discontinuance.

(2) If the parties agree on a settlement of the dispute before the Award is rendered, the Tribunal:

(a) shall issue an order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding, if the parties so request; or

(b) may record the settlement in the form of an Award, if the parties file the complete and signed text of their settlement and request that the Tribunal embody such settlement in an Award.

(3) An Award rendered pursuant to paragraph (2)(b) does not need to include the reasons on which it is based.

(4) The Secretary-General shall issue the order referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2)(a) if the Tribunal has not yet been constituted or if there is a vacancy on the Tribunal.

Rule 66: Discontinuance at Request of a Party

(1) If a party requests the discontinuance of the proceeding, the Tribunal shall fix a time limit within which the other party may oppose the discontinuance. If no objection in writing is made within the time limit, the other party shall be deemed to have acquiesced in the discontinuance and the Tribunal shall issue an order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding. If any objection in writing is made within the time limit, the proceeding shall continue.

(2) The Secretary-General shall fix the time limit and issue the order referred to in paragraph (1) if the Tribunal has not yet been constituted or if there is a vacancy on the Tribunal.

Rule 67: Discontinuance for Failure of Parties to Act

(1) If the parties fail to take any steps in the proceeding for more than 150 consecutive days, the Tribunal shall notify them of the time elapsed since the last step taken in the proceeding.

(2) If the parties fail to take a step within 30 days after the notice referred to in paragraph (1), they shall be deemed to have discontinued the proceeding and the Tribunal shall issue an order taking note of the discontinuance.

(3) If either party takes a step within 30 days after the notice referred to in paragraph (1), the proceeding shall continue.

(4) The Secretary-General shall issue the notice and the order referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) if the Tribunal has not yet been constituted or if there is a vacancy on the Tribunal.