- Los Misioneros 2221,
Comuna de Providencia,
Santiago , Chile - Nationality: Colombian , French , Uruguayan
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ICSID Panel Designation
Designation/Role | Designated By | Designation Date |
Designation/RoleArbitrator | Designated ByColombia | Designation DateMarch 27, 2024 - March 27, 2030 |
Experience in ICSID Proceedings
Case Name | Type | Role (Appt'd by) |
Case NameFengzhen Min v. Republic of Korea (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/26) | TypeAnnulment | Role (Appt'd by)Committee Member |
Case NameCorporación Quiport S.A. and others v. Republic of Ecuador (ICSID Case No. ARB/09/23) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Cl.) |
Case NameTECO Guatemala Holdings, LLC v. Republic of Guatemala (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/23) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Cl.) |
Case NameADP International S.A. and Vinci Airports S.A.S. v. Republic of Chile (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/40) | TypeOriginal | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Resp.) |
Case Name Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. v. Republic of Chile (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/27) | TypeOriginal | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Resp.) |
Case NameCarlos Rios and Francisco Javier Rios v. Republic of Chile (ICSID Case No. ARB/17/16) | TypeOriginal | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Resp.) |
Case NameVíctor Pey Casado and President Allende Foundation v. Republic of Chile (ICSID Case No. ARB/98/2) | TypeAnnulment | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Resp.) |
Case NameAguaytia Energy, LLC v. Republic of Peru (ICSID Case No. ARB/06/13) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Resp.) |
Case NameConvial Callao S.A. and CCI - Compañía de Concesiones de Infraestructura S.A. v. Republic of Peru (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/2) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Resp.) |
Case NameAbaclat and others v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/07/5) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Cl.) |
Case NameESPF Beteiligungs GmbH, ESPF Nr. 2 Austria Beteiligungs GmbH, and InfraClass Energie 5 GmbH & Co. KG v. Italian Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/16/5) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameMathias Kruck and others v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/23) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameEiser Infrastructure Limited and Energía Solar Luxembourg S.à r.l. v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/36) | TypeAnnulment | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Committee |
Case NameRREEF Infrastructure (G.P.) Limited and RREEF Pan-European Infrastructure Two Lux S.à r.l. v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/30) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameJoseph Houben v. Republic of Burundi (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/7) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameAccession Mezzanine Capital L.P. and Danubius Kereskedöház Vagyonkezelö Zrt. v. Hungary (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/3) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameEmmis International Holding, B.V., Emmis Radio Operating, B.V., and MEM Magyar Electronic Media Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. v. Hungary (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/2) | Type | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameVenoklim Holding B.V. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/22) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameVenoklim Holding B.V. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/22) | TypeAnnulment | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Committee |
Case NameGambrinus, Corp. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (ICSID Case No. ARB/11/31) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameGetma International and others v. Republic of Guinea (ICSID Case No. ARB/11/29) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameKoch Minerals Sàrl and Koch Nitrogen International Sàrl v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (ICSID Case No. ARB/11/19) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameRSM Production Corporation v. Republic of Cameroon (ICSID Case No. CONC/11/1) | TypeConciliation | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Commission |
Case NamePhilip Morris Brands Sàrl, Philip Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos S.A. v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/7) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameKılıç İnşaat İthalat İhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/1) | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Tribunal |
Case NameKılıç İnşaat İthalat İhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/1) | TypeAnnulment | Role (Appt'd by)Secretary of the Committee |
The information in this form has been provided by the relevant arbitrator/conciliator. Every effort is made to ensure it is accurate and current. However, persons relying on this information must conduct their own due diligence research.
Last Updated: November 12, 2024