​This past November 2, 2012, Young ICSID was launched at an event held in Washington, D.C. The event, Approaches to Arbitration: Across the Ages, was an inter-generational discussion among practitioners about how to get involved in arbitration and develop expertise. The event was moderated by Jean E. Kalicki, and the speakers were Albert Jan van den Berg, Edna Sussman, Janet Whittaker, Mark Kantor, Marsha Echols, Simon Greenberg, Stephen P. Anway, and Tomás Solís.

Young ICSID is intended to encourage professional development among international investor-State dispute resolution practitioners under the age of 45. We will be informing our members of upcoming conferences and networking events.

To enroll in Young ICSID, please send your name, affiliation, contact information to youngicsid@worldbank.org. For more information about the Young ICSID group, please contact us at youngicsid@worldbank.org


Young ICSID Dec 2012  - Eng.jpg