​This year, two submissions tied for first place in the Fourth Annual ICSID Review-Foreign Investment Law Journal Student Writing Competition. ICSID wishes to congratulate Heather L. Bray and Francisco-Xavier Paredes as the two winners of the Competition. Ms. Heather Bray, an S.J.D. student at the University of Arizona, discussed "ICSID and the Right to Water: An Ingredient in the Stone Soup". Mr. Francisco-Xavier Paredes, a Masters student at the University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, explored "La conformité de l'investissement au droit national, condition de sa protection internationale" ("Compliance of the investment with national law, a condition of international protection"). Both essays will be published in an upcoming issue of the ICSID Review. We would like to thank all of the students who submitted papers for the annual Competition, and we are grateful to Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Prof. Andrea Bjorklund, Ms. Mélida Hodgson and Dr. Ahmed El-Kosheri for serving on the Judges Panel.