​As part of the celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the ICSID Convention, the ICSID Secretariat has made available The History of the ICSID Convention in PDF format on its website.

The History of the ICSID Convention is a unique source of preparatory documents concerning the origin and formulation of the ICSID Convention. It contains original texts of reports of committees, records of meetings, working papers, notes, and other documents in the three official languages of ICSID (English, French and Spanish).

The History of the ICSID Convention consists of four volumes. Volume 1 contains a brief review of the formulation of the Convention and an article-by-article historical analysis of the successive drafts of the Convention. Volumes 2, 3 and 4 contain the documents generated in English, French and Spanish by the Convention drafters.

The online version of The History of the ICSID Convention is fully searchable and can be accessed here.