The Energy Charter Secretariat and ICSID are pleased to announce that they have entered into an Agreement on General Arrangements. The agreement was signed on behalf of ECS by Urban Rusnák, Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat, and on behalf of ICSID by Meg Kinnear, Secretary-General of ICSID. 

The Agreement seeks to build on the strong foundation of cooperation that exists between the two institutions. It provides for the possibility of reciprocal use of facilities for dispute resolution proceedings and other meetings, as well as enhanced technical collaboration. 

In recent years, ICSID and ECS have joined forces to build knowledge and capacity in investor-State mediation. ICSID and ECS have also collaborated in developing and delivering investor-State mediation training and are currently developing a training program for government officials.

“ICSID and the Energy Charter Secretariat have both played a leadership role in promoting mediation as a viable dispute-resolution tool for States and foreign investors”, said Meg Kinnear. “We are proud of the capacity-building tools that we have developed together, and look forward to scaling up our joint activities in the years ahead”.