ICSID Convention, Regulations and Rules

ICSID provides facilities for conciliation and arbitration of investment disputes between Contracting States and nationals of other Contracting States under the ICSID Convention, Regulations and Rules. The provisions of the ICSID Convention are complemented by the ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulations; ICSID Institution Rules; ICSID Conciliation Rules; and ICSID Arbitration Rules.

ICSID Convention

The ICSID Convention is a treaty ratified by 158 Contracting States. It entered into force on October 14, 1966, 30 days after ratification by the first 20 States.

Report of the Executive Directors on the ICSID Convention

The process of drafting the ICSID Convention included multiple draft texts, meetings with legal experts, review by a Legal Committee, and approval by the Executive Directors of the World Bank. 

Administrative and Financial Regulations

Administrative and Financial Regulations address the procedures of the Administrative Council, the functions of the ICSID Secretariat, financial provisions, particular functions with respect to individual proceedings, and special provisions such as time limits, immunities, and official languages. 

Institution Rules

The Institution Rules explain how to institute an arbitration or conciliation under the ICSID Convention. They apply to the steps taken between filing a request for arbitration  or conciliation until dispatch of the notice of registration. 

Arbitration Rules

The Arbitration Rules apply to proceedings under the ICSID Convention after registration of the request for arbitration. 

Conciliation Rules

The Conciliation Rules apply to proceedings under the ICSID Convention after a conciliation case is registered.