Case Details
Joy Mining Machinery Limited v. Arab Republic of Egypt (ICSID Case No. ARB/03/11)
Phosphate mining project
Oil, Gas & Mining
BIT Egypt, Arab Republic of - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1975
ICSID Convention - Arbitration Rules
Joy Mining Machinery Limited (British)
Arab Republic of Egypt (Egyptian)
June 2, 2003
September 4, 2003
Francisco ORREGO VICUÑA (Chilean) - Appointed by Co-Arbitrators
C.G. WEERAMANTRY (Sri Lankan) - Appointed by the Respondent(s)
William Laurence CRAIG (U.S.) - Appointed by the Claimant(s) -
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, London, U.K., Chicago, IL, and Houston, TX, U.S.A.
Kosheri, Rashed & Riad, Legal Consultants and Attorneys at Law, Cairo, Egypt
The Egyptian State Lawsuits Authority, Cairo, Egypt -
Award rendered on August 6, 2004.
December 22, 2004 (Claimant(s))
March 9, 2005
Antonias C. DIMOLITSA (Greek)
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, London, U.K., Chicago, IL, and Houston, TX, U.S.A.
Kosheri, Rashed & Riad, Legal Consultants and Attorneys at Law, Cairo, Egypt
The Egyptian State Lawsuits Authority, Cairo, Egypt -
Settlement agreed by the parties and proceeding discontinued at their request (Order taking note of the discontinuance issued by the Tribunal on December 16, 2005 pursuant to Arbitration Rule 43(1)).
(a) Original Proceeding
Composition of Tribunal
Party Representatives
(b) Annulment Proceeding
Composition of ad hoc Committee (Appointed by the Chairman of the Administrative Council)
Party Representatives
(a) Original Proceeding
Published Decisions
Introductory Note
Award of August 6, 2004, 19 ICSID Rev.—FILJ 486 (2004); French translation of English original in 132 Journal du droit international 163 (2005) (excerpts).
Available on the ICSID Website
Introductory Note (August 6, 2004)
Award (August 6, 2004) English (Original)
(b) Annulment Proceeding
Published Decisions
Order of the Annulment Committee Pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43(1)
Available on the ICSID Website
Order of the Annulment Committee Pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43(1) (December 16, 2005) English (Original)
No References Available.