Mr. Michael Hwang

Mr. Michael Hwang


  • English

ICSID Panel Designation

Designation/Role Designated By Designation Date
Designation/RoleArbitrator Designated BySingapore Designation Date -

Experience in ICSID Proceedings

Case Name Type Role (Appt'd by)
Case NameAl Jazeera Media Network v. Arab Republic of Egypt (ICSID Case No. ARB/16/1) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)President (Parties)
Case NameChurchill Mining and Planet Mining Pty Ltd, formerly ARB/12/14 v. Republic of Indonesia TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Parties)
Case NameChurchill Mining and Planet Mining Pty Ltd, formerly ARB/12/40 v. Republic of Indonesia TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Parties)
Case NameBorder Timbers Limited, Border Timbers International (Private) Limited, and Hangani Development Co. (Private) Limited v. Republic of Zimbabwe TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Resp.)
Case NameBernhard von Pezold and others v. Republic of Zimbabwe TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Resp.)
Case NameGovernment of the Province of East Kalimantan v. PT Kaltim Prima Coal and others TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Cl.)
Case NameLibananco Holdings Co. Limited v. Republic of Turkey TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)President (Chairman)
Case NameMalaysian Historical Salvors, SDN, BHD v. Malaysia TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Sole Arbitrator (Chairman)
Case NameJoy Mining Machinery Limited v. Arab Republic of Egypt TypeAnnulment Role (Appt'd by)Committee Member
Case NameCDC Group plc v. Republic of Seychelles TypeAnnulment Role (Appt'd by)Committee Member
Case NameAzurix Corp. v. Argentine Republic TypeAnnulment Role (Appt'd by)Committee Member
Case NameConocoPhillips Company v Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Parties)


The information in this form has been provided by the relevant arbitrator/conciliator. Every effort is made to ensure it is accurate and current. However, persons relying on this information must conduct their own due diligence research.

Last Updated: May 20, 2024