How to file a Non-ICSID Arbitration

Non-ICSID cases may be administered by ICSID by agreement of the parties either prior to the appointment of arbitrators or once the Tribunal is constituted. The parties to the dispute or the Tribunal, on behalf of the parties, should request ICSID to provide administrative services.
Content: The request should include the following information and supporting documents:
  • a description of the nature of the dispute;
  • a description of the administrative services desired (e.g., assistance with the management of the case finances, full secretariat services);
  • the notice of arbitration or equivalent instrument instituting dispute resolution proceedings;
  • the dispute resolution clause;
  • correspondence between the parties prior to ICSID’s involvement, if the parties wish such correspondence to be part of the official record;
  • contact details for all parties to the dispute (including electronic mail address, street address and telephone);
  • The name and nationality of any arbitrator(s) already appointed, information on the method of appointment, and any declaration made by the arbitrator(s);
  • language of the proceeding; and
  • signatures of both parties or their duly authorized representatives. A request signed by one or more representatives must enclose proof of the authorization to act, for example, a power of attorney.

Where to Send: Please submit the request electronically to

Once the above information is received and ICSID has agreed to administer the case, the Secretariat will request the applicable administrative fee from the parties.

Currently, ICSID offers full administrative services similar to those provided in ICSID cases for an annual fee of US$42,000. Fees for more limited administrative services may be obtained by contacting the ICSID Secretariat.