Production of Documents - Additional Facility Arbitration

Parties can request documents from each other, and exchange documents even before the written pleadings are filed. The Tribunal has discretion to decide on the relevance and admissibility of the evidence adduced by the parties, and can exercise the power to summon further evidence at any stage of the case (Articles 40 and 41 of the Arbitration (Additional Facility) Rules). The Tribunal will decide on any objection to production by the parties.

If a party fails to cooperate, the Tribunal may draw adverse inferences or may make an adverse cost award.

Tribunals often organize requests for production of documents in a “Redfern Schedule". This Schedule contains four columns: identification of the documents/categories of documents that have been requested; short description of the reasons for each request; summary of the objections by the other party to the production of the documents/categories requested; and decision of the Tribunal on each request.