Prof. Thomas Buergenthal

- The George Washington University Law School,
2000 H Street, N.W.,
Washington 20052, United States of America - Nationality: U.S.
- Work: +1 202.994.6120
- Email:
- English
- German
ICSID Panel Designation
Designation/Role | Designated By | Designation Date |
Designation/RoleArbitrator and Conciliator | Designated ByCosta Rica | Designation Date26/07/2010 - 26/07/2016 |
Designation/RoleArbitrator and Conciliator | Designated ByCosta Rica | Designation Date22/07/2004 - 22/07/2010 |
Experience in ICSID Proceedings
Case Name | Type | Role (Appt'd by) |
Case NameMobile TeleSystems OJSC v. Turkmenistan | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Resp.) |
Case NameUAB "ARVI" ir ko and UAB "SANITEX" v. Republic of Serbia | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)President (co-arbitrators) |
Case NameTeinver S.A., Transportes de Cercanías S.A. and Autobuses Urbanos del Sur S.A. v. Argentine Republic | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)President (Chairman) |
Case NameChevron Bangladesh Block Twelve, Ltd. and Chevron Bangladesh Blocks Thirteen and Fourteen, Ltd. v. People's Republic of Bangladesh | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)President (Chairman) |
Case NameIndustria Nacional de Alimentos, S.A. and Indalsa Perú, S.A. (formerly Empresas Lucchetti, S.A. and Lucchetti Perú, S.A.) v. Republic of Peru | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)President (Secretary-General) |
Case NamePhilippe Gruslin v. Malaysia | TypeAnnulment | Role (Appt'd by)President |
Case NameEmilio Agustín Maffezini v. Kingdom of Spain | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Cl.) |
Case NameČeskoslovenska obchodní banka, a.s. v. Slovak Republic | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)President (Chairman) |
Case NameCompañía de Aguas del Aconquija S.A. and Vivendi Universal S.A. v. Argentine Republic | TypeArbitration | Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Chairman) |
The information in this form has been provided by the relevant arbitrator/conciliator. Every effort is made to ensure it is accurate and current. However, persons relying on this information must conduct their own due diligence research.
Last Updated: January 27, 2014