Prof. Giorgio SACERDOTI

Prof. Giorgio SACERDOTI


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ICSID Panel Designation

Designation/Role Designated By Designation Date
Designation/RoleArbitrator and Conciliator Designated ByItaly Designation Date1982 - Present

Experience in ICSID Proceedings

Case Name Type Role (Appt'd by)
Case NameFirst Majestic Silver Corp. v. United Mexican States (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/14) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)President (Parties)
Case NamePortigon AG v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/17/15) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Resp.)
Case NameSolEs Badajoz GmbH v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/38) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Resp.)
Case NameCyprus Popular Bank Public Co. Ltd. v. Hellenic Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/14/16) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Resp.)
Case NameMarco Gavazzi and Stefano Gavazzi v. Romania TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Cl.)
Case NameJan de Nul N.V. and Dredging International N.V. v. Arab Republic of Egypt (ICSID Case No. ARB/04/13) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Expert (Cl.)
Case NameTotal S.A. v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/04/1) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)President (Chairman)
Case NameTelefónica S.A v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/03/20) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)President (Chairman)
Case NameContinental Casualty Company v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/03/9) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)President (Chairman)
Case NameJacobsGibb Limited v. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (ICSID Case No. ARB/02/12) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Co-arbitrator (Cl.)
Case NameHussein Nuaman Soufraki v. United Arab Emirates (ICSID Case No. ARB/02/7) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Expert (Resp.)
Case NameSalini Costruttori S.p.A. and Italstrade S.p.A. v. Kingdom of Morocco (ICSID Case No. ARB/00/4) TypeArbitration Role (Appt'd by)Counsel (Cl.)


The information in this form has been provided by the relevant arbitrator/conciliator. Every effort is made to ensure it is accurate and current. However, persons relying on this information must conduct their own due diligence research.

Last Updated: August 27, 2021