​The hearings on Annulment in these proceedings are scheduled to take place before a three-member ad hoc Committee from Tuesday, October 13 through Thursday, October 15, 2015 starting at 9:00 a.m.

This case has been initiated under Chapter Ten of the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) and the ICSID Arbitration Rules in force since April 10, 2006, as modified by the provisions of DR-CAFTA.

Pursuant to DR-CAFTA Article 10.21.2, the hearings are open to the public, except for those parts which involve confidential matters. The hearings will be broadcast live in conference room MC C1-110 (Level C1) of the World Bank Main Complex. The conference room, which has limited seating, is located at 700 18th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433. Members of the public wishing to attend are requested to contact Ms. Diana Magalona (dmagalona@worldbank.org) of ICSID. All members of the public will be requested to provide their names and e-mail addresses in advance, in order to arrange for access to the broadcast room.

Cameras and recording equipment are not allowed on the premises.