The Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre (CAM Santiago) and ICSID are pleased to announce that they have entered into an Agreement on General Arrangements. The Agreement was signed on behalf of CAM Santiago by Herman Chadwick, President of CAM Santiago, and on behalf of ICSID by Gonzalo Flores, Acting Secretary-General of ICSID.
The Agreement provides for the use of CAM Santiago’s facilities and services for arbitration and mediation proceedings conducted under the auspices ICSID, as well as enhanced technical collaboration between the two centres.
The Agreement builds on a strong foundation of cooperation between ICSID and CAM Santiago. This includes a number of events and training courses in recent years that aimed to build awareness of ICSID and international investment law in Chile and the Latin American region more broadly.
The signing was followed by a public event that discussed the ICSID system of dispute settlement through the lens of Carlos Rios and Francisco Javier Rios v. Republic of Chile, an ICSID case that concluded earlier this year.
The International Centre of Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) is an international facility available to States and foreign investors for the resolution of investment disputes. Established in 1966 by the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (the ICSID Convention), it is the only global institution dedicated to international investment dispute settlement.
Through its specialized rules of procedure, world-class facilities, and expert legal and administrative support, ICSID provides unparalleled dispute resolution services to States and investors. Since the first case was registered with ICSID in 1972, the majority of all known international investment disputes have been administered by ICSID.
About CAM Santiago
The Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Centre (CAM Santiago) is a non-profit institution, established in 1992 by the Santiago Chamber of Commerce A.G. (CCS). CAM Santiago offers the services of national (1992) and international (2006) arbitration, mediation (1998) and Dispute Boards (2015) for the resolution of disputes, thus providing reliable and efficient solutions to the business and legal communities. With more than 5,088 arbitration and mediation cases that have been managed by the CAM Santiago, the institution has become the Chile’s leading dispute resolution organization, specializing in arbitration, mediation and dispute boards.