​The ICSID Secretariat has released a new issue of its online publication, the ICSID Caseload - Statistics.

This issue (Issue 2014-1), published in the three official languages of the Centre (English, French and Spanish), contains an overview of the cases registered or otherwise administered by ICSID as of December 31, 2013. The issue features information concerning the basis of consent to ICSID jurisdiction, the geographic distribution of cases by State Party to the dispute, and the economic sectors involved in ICSID cases. It also contains data on outcomes in ICSID arbitration and conciliation proceedings, including further information on disputes decided by arbitral tribunals, data on discontinued ICSID arbitration proceedings, and outcomes to date in annulment proceedings under the ICSID Convention. The nationalities and geographic origins of arbitrators, conciliators and ad hoc committee members appointed in ICSID cases are also featured.

The Secretariat will continue to publish the ICSID Caseload - Statistics on a bi-annual basis reflecting new information as it becomes available. ICSID welcomes any comments or suggestions by email at ICSIDsecretariat@worldbank.org.