​ICSID is pleased to announce that theICSID Review—Foreign Investment Law Journal will publish its fourth issue of the year, Spring 2010, by the end of this month. This issue follows the release earlier this year of the Fall 2008, Spring 2009 and Fall 2009 issues. In addition, the Fall 2010 issue will be available early next year, and the Spring 2011 issue will be published shortly thereafter.

Current Issues

The Spring 2010 issue (vol. 25, no. 1) of the ICSID Review features articles based on the presentations given at the Conference on International Investment Arbitration, which took place at the Supreme Court of Singapore on January 20, 2010 under the auspices of the Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore. The topics addressed by the 16 authors in the issue include: access to international jurisdiction; corruption in the making of an investment; the role of precedent in international investment arbitration; and the role played by the Articles on State Responsibility in international arbitration.

The Fall 2009 edition (vol. 24, no. 2) of the ICSID Review is devoted entirely to the proceedings of the 50 Years of Bilateral Investment Treaties Conference which was held on December 1–3, 2009 in Frankfurt, Germany. Divided into the Conference’s six sessions, the issue features 31 contributions from 30 different authors who address the following topics: original intent, development and economic significance of BITs; current substantive and procedural approaches to BITs around the world; Europeanization and regionalism as a challenge to BITs; the future of bilateral investment protection; whether and how the concepts of “investment” and “investor” will be redefined; and “non-protected” investments in international arbitration.

The Spring 2009 issue (vol. 24, no. 1) focuses on presentations given at the 26th AAA/ICC/ICSID Joint Colloquium on International Arbitration convened in Washington, D.C. on November 20, 2009. The Colloquium articles explore the theme of “Adapting Arbitration to a Changing World” from the perspectives of the institutions, players, issues and instruments. In addition, the issue features an article by W. Michael Reisman on the relationship between international investment arbitration and alternative dispute resolution more broadly, followed by five recent challenge decisions in ICSID and NAFTA cases, and a book review by Mark E. Feldman.

Future Issues

The Fall 2010 issue (vol. 25, no. 2) will contain an article on the history and future of NAFTA Chapter Eleven by Meg Kinnear and Sergio Puig, and an article by Otto Sandrock on the right of foreign investors to access German markets under Germany’s Model BIT. The issue will also include a section on arbitrator appointments with contributions by David J. Branson, Joseph M. Matthews and Jan Paulsson. In addition, four presentations from the 27th AAA/ICC/ICSID Joint Colloquium on International Arbitration, which was held in Paris on November 17, 2010, will be published in the issue. This section will include an introductory note by Nassib G. Ziadé and three articles on State court intervention by Haya Rashed Al Khalifa, Juan Fernandez-Armesto and Carolyn B. Lamm. The issue will also contain articles by Delphine Burriez and Bart L. Smit Duijzentkunst, the two winners of the First Annual ICSID Review Student Writing Competition. Also featured will be a report on the protection of foreign investment written by Wenhua Shan for the XVIII International Congress of Comparative Law, which took place July 25 – August 1, 2010 in Washington, D.C. The issue will close with two book reviews: Teresa Giovannini’s review of L'arbitrato nel commercio e negli investimenti internazionali, by Piero Bernardini; and Horacio A. Grigera Naón’s review of Arbitraje de inversion, by Francisco González de Cossío.

Subscriptions and Purchases of Individual Issues

For those who wish to subscribe to the ICSID Review, it is available at US$90 per year for individuals (US$95 for institutions) with a mailing address in an OECD country and US$45 for individuals (US$47.50 for institutions) in non-OECD countries, plus postal charges, from Journals Publishing Division, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2715 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4363, U.S.A.; Ph: 410-516-6987; Fax: 410-516-3866; E-mail: jrnlcirc@press.jhu.edu. Subscriptions can be ordered online at http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/icsid_review. Most issues of our journal are now also available for individual purchase, depending on availability, using a credit card (by phone, fax or mail) or check/money order (by mail, and checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and amount must be in U.S. dollars). These single issues are priced at US$54 for individual purchasers (US$57 for institutions) with a mailing address in an OECD country and US$27 for individuals ($28.50 for institutions) in non-OECD countries, plus shipping.