The ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal is the world’s leading journal devoted exclusively to foreign investment law and international investment dispute settlement. It offers legal and business professionals an up-to-date review of the field and includes articles, case comments, documents, and book reviews on the law and practice relating to foreign investments as well as the procedural and substantive law governing investment dispute resolution.

The journal’s continued leadership in the field would not be possible without a dedicated Editorial team, Peer Review Board and Editorial Boards. The names of the editors, boards and reviewers appear on the ICSID Review website and the names of the editors and boards are also published in each issue of the journal.

The ICSID Review is presently inviting expressions of interest from candidates for the following volunteer positions:

Associate Editor – Case Comments Section (2 positions)
Associate Editor – Book Review Section (2 positions)

Associate Editors are responsible for identifying relevant developments in the field and potential authors, reviewing incoming submissions, providing feedback on specific themes, inviting relevant peer reviewers, communicating with authors, and participating in the production and editing process. They are also part of the journal’s board which decides overall strategy and direction.

We are also inviting expressions of interest for Peer Reviewers.

Peer Reviewers are called upon to review submissions that fall within their area of expertise and are generally expected to return constructive comments to the editorial team within 2 weeks, depending on the length of the submission. They are an invaluable asset in assuring quality and offering guidance to authors seeking to publish in the journal.

Candidates for Associate Editor positions and Peer Reviewers alike should have a proficient command of English, with additional command of Spanish and French welcome, substantial knowledge of international investment law and dispute settlement, and a keen interest in contributing to the timely publication of quality submissions in the ICSID Review.

Prior experience on editorial boards and publication procedures is a significant asset for all positions. All positions are volunteer roles and apart from recognition on the website and in the journal, and gratitude from the editorial team, are unremunerated. Candidates will be expected to start in September 2019.

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply by July 1, 2019 by sending a CV highlighting relevant experience to: with the subject line of the position (e.g., Interested in the Associate Editor Case Comment / Book Review position or Peer Reviewer).