​Washington, D.C., September 14, 2007. The second part of the hearing on the merits in the Glamis Gold v. USA case is scheduled to take place from Monday, September 17, 2007 through Wednesday, September 19, 2007, starting at 9:00 a.m.

This case has been initiated under Chapter Eleven of the NAFTA and is governed by the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. ICSID is administering the proceedings in this case.

The parties have agreed to make the hearing open to the public, except for those parts which involve confidential matters. The hearing will be broadcast live in room H1-200 of the World Bank. The room, which has limited seating, is located at 600 19th Street, N.W., Washington, DC, 20433. Visitor passes will be issued upon presentation of a valid picture ID. The passes will allow access to room H1-200 only.

The tentative schedule is as follows:

September 17         Claimant’s rebuttal and closing arguments (3 ½ hours out of which about half an hour should be confidential)

September 18          Respondent’s rebuttal and closing arguments (3 ½ hours) Possible questions by the Arbitral Tribunal in the afternoon

September 19         Claimant’s surre-rebuttal (1 hour)
                              Respondent’s surre-rebuttal (1 hour) 
                              Additional questions by the Arbitral Tribunal

For further details, the members of the public are requested to provide their e-mail addresses to Ms. Eloïse Obadia (eobadia@worldbank.org) and Mr. Malkiat Singh (malkiatsingh@worldbank.org) of ICSID.

Cameras and recording equipment are not allowed.