Case Details
Middle East Cement Shipping and Handling Co. S.A. v. Arab Republic of Egypt (ICSID Case No. ARB/99/6)
Cement distribution enterprise
BIT Egypt, Arab Republic of - Greece 1993
ICSID Convention - Arbitration Rules
Middle East Cement Shipping and Handling Co. S.A. (Greek)
Arab Republic of Egypt (Egyptian)
November 19, 1999
January 28, 2000
Karl-Heinz BÖCKSTIEGEL (German) - Appointed by Co-Arbitrators
Piero BERNARDINI (Italian) - Appointed by the Claimant(s)
Don WALLACE JR. (U.S.) - Appointed by the Respondent(s) -
Middle East Cement Shipping and Handling Co. S.A., Managing Director, Athens, Greece
Sarwat A. El-Shahid and Ashraf Yehia, Cairo, Egypt -
Aktham El Kholy, Attorney at Law, Legal Adviser, Dokki, Guiza, Egypt
Egyptian State Lawsuits Authority, Cairo, Egypt -
Award rendered on April 12, 2002.
(a) Original Proceeding
Composition of Tribunal
Party Representatives
(a) Original Proceeding
Published Decisions
Introductory Note
Award of April 12, 2002, 18 ICSID Rev.—FILJ 602 (2003); 7 ICSID Rep. 173 (2005).
Available on the ICSID Website
Introductory Note (April 12, 2002)
Award of the Tribunal (April 12, 2002) English (Original)
No References Available.