Case Details
Transglobal Green Energy, LLC and Transglobal Green Energy de Panama, S.A. v. Republic of Panama (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/28)
Electricity, gas, steam and air production
Electric Power & Other Energy
BIT United States of America - Panama 1982
ICSID Convention - Arbitration Rules
Transglobal Green Energy, LLC (U.S.), Transglobal Green Energy de Panama, S.A. (Panamanian)
Republic of Panama (Panamanian)
October 10, 2013
February 19, 2014
Andrés RIGO SUREDA (Spanish) - Appointed by Co-Arbitrators
Christoph H. SCHREUER (Austrian) - Appointed by the Claimant(s)
Jan PAULSSON (French, Swedish) - Appointed by the Respondent(s) -
Managing Partner, TransGlobal Green Energy,LLC, Houston, TX, U.S.A.
Arnold & Porter, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Procuraduría General de la Nación, Ciudad de Panamá, República de Panamá -
June 2, 2016 - The Tribunal declares the proceeding closed in accordance with ICSID Arbitration Rule 38(1).
The Tribunal renders its award.
(a) Original Proceeding
Composition of Tribunal
Party Representatives
(a) Original Proceeding
Published Decisions
Decision on Respondent’s Request for Shifting the Costs of the Arbitration
Procedural Order No. 1
Decision on the Admissibility of Respondent’s Preliminary Objection to the Jurisdiction of the Tribunal under Rule 41(5) of the Arbitration Rules
Procedural Order No. 2
Decision on the Respondent’s Request for Provisional Measures Relating to Security for Costs
Procedural Order No. 3
Award of the Tribunal
Available on the ICSID Website
Decision on Respondent’s Request for Shifting the Costs of the Arbitration (March 4, 2015) English (Original)
Procedural Order No. 1 (March 17, 2015) English (Original)
Decision on the Admissibility of Respondent’s Preliminary Objection to the Jurisdiction of the Tribunal under Rule 41(5) of the Arbitration Rules (March 17, 2015) English (Original)
Procedural Order No. 2 (January 21, 2016) English (Original)
Decision on the Respondent’s Request for Provisional Measures Relating to Security for Costs (January 21, 2016) English (Original)
Procedural Order No. 3 (March 25, 2016) English (Original)
Award of the Tribunal (June 2, 2016) English (Original)
(a) Original Proceeding
Date | Development |
October 10, 2013 | The Secretary-General registers a request for the institution of arbitration proceedings. |
December 16, 2013 | Following appointment by the Claimants, Christoph Schreuer (Austrian) accepts his appointment as arbitrator. |
January 30, 2014 | Following appointment by the Respondent, Jan Paulsson (French/Swedish) accepts his appointment as arbitrator. |
February 14, 2014 | Following appointment by the co-arbitrators, Andrés Rigo Sureda (Spanish) accepts his appointment as presiding arbitrator. |
February 19, 2014 | The Tribunal is constituted in accordance with Article 37(2)(a) of the ICSID Convention. Its members are: Andrés Rigo Sureda (Spanish), President, appointed by his co-arbitrators; Christoph Schreuer (Austrian), appointed by the Claimants; and Jan Paulsson (French/Swedish), appointed by the Respondent. |
May 5, 2014 | The Secretary-General moves that the Tribunal stay the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulation 14(3)(d). |
May 6, 2014 | The proceeding is stayed for non-payment of the required advances pursuant to ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulation 14(3)(d). |
November 6, 2014 | The proceeding is resumed. |
December 11, 2014 | The Respondent files a request for the Tribunal to decide on costs. |
December 18, 2014 | The Claimants file observations on the Respondent’s request of December 11, 2014. |
February 18, 2015 | The Respondent files preliminary objections pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 41(5). |
February 19, 2015 | The Tribunal holds a first session in Washington, D.C. |
February 24, 2015 | The Claimants file observations on the admissibility of the Respondent’s preliminary objections pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 41(5). |
February 27, 2015 | The Respondent files a response to the Claimants’ observations of February 24, 2015. |
March 4, 2015 | The Tribunal issues a decision on the Respondent’s request concerning costs. The Claimants file further observations on the Respondent’s response of February 27, 2015. |
March 9, 2015 | The Respondent files a response to the Claimants’ further observations of March 4, 2015. |
March 17, 2015 | The Tribunal issues a decision on the admissibility of the Respondent’s preliminary objections pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 41(5). The Tribunal issues Procedural Order No. 1 concerning procedural matters. |
August 14, 2015 | The Claimants file a memorial on the merits. |
December 18, 2015 | The Respondent files a memorial on jurisdiction, a request to address the objections to jurisdiction as a preliminary question, and a request for provisional measures. |
January 13, 2016 | The Claimants file observations on the request to address the objections to jurisdiction as a preliminary question and on the Respondent’s request for provisional measures. |
January 21, 2016 | The Tribunal issues Procedural Order No. 2 concerning the Respondent’s request to address the objections to jurisdiction as a preliminary question; as a result, the proceeding on the merits is suspended. The Tribunal issues a decision on provisional measures. |
March 25, 2016 | The Tribunal issues Procedural Order No. 3 concerning procedural matters. |
May 2, 2016 | The Claimants file a statement of costs. |
May 3, 2016 | The Respondent files a submission on costs. |
May 12, 2016 | The Claimants file observations on the Respondent’s submission on costs. |
May 13, 2016 | The Respondent files observations on the Claimants’ submission on costs. |
June 2, 2016 | The Tribunal declares the proceeding closed in accordance with ICSID Arbitration Rule 38(1). The Tribunal renders its award. |