Case Details
Saipem S.p.A. v. People's Republic of Bangladesh (ICSID Case No. ARB/05/7)
Gas pipeline project
Oil, Gas & Mining
BIT Bangladesh - Italy 1990
ICSID Convention - Arbitration Rules
Saipem S.p.A. (Italian)
People's Republic of Bangladesh (Bangladeshi)
April 25, 2005
August 22, 2005
Gabrielle KAUFMANN-KOHLER (Swiss) - Appointed by Co-Arbitrators
Christoph H. SCHREUER (Austrian) - Appointed by the Claimant(s)
Philip OTTON (British) - Appointed by the Respondent(s) -
Bonelli Erede Pappalardo Studio Legale, Milan, Italy
A. Hossain & Associates Law Offices, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Richard Clegg, London, U.K. -
June 30, 2009 - The Tribunal renders its award.
(a) Original Proceeding
Composition of Tribunal
Party Representatives
(a) Original Proceeding
Published Decisions
Introductory Note
Decision on Jurisdiction and Recommendation on Provisional Measures
Decisionon Jurisdiction and Recommendation on Provisional Measures of March 21, 2007, 22 ICSID Rev.—FILJ 100 (2007).
Available on the ICSID Website
Decision on Jurisdiction and Recommendation on Provisional Measures (March 21, 2007) English (Original)
(a) Original Proceeding
Date | Development |
April 25, 2005 | The Secretary-General registers a request for the institution of arbitration proceedings. |
July 26, 2005 | The Respondent files a proposal for the disqualification of one of the arbitrators. |
August 22, 2005 | The Tribunal is constituted. Its members are: Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler (Swiss), President; Philip Otton (British); and Christoph H. Schreuer (Austrian). The proceeding is suspended in accordance with ICSID Arbitration Rule 9(6). |
October 11, 2005 | The proposal for the disqualification of one of the arbitrators is declined and the proceeding is resumed. |
December 1, 2005 | The Tribunal holds its first session in London. |
February 20, 2006 | The Claimant files a memorial on the merits. |
May 15, 2006 | The Respondent files a counter-memorial on jurisdiction and the merits. |
July 14, 2006 | The Claimant files a response to objections to jurisdiction. |
August 2, 2006 | The Tribunal issues a procedural order concerning the hearing on jurisdiction. |
August 18, 2006 | The Respondent files a reply on jurisdiction. |
September 14, 2006 | The Claimant files a rejoinder on jurisdiction. |
September 21, 2006 - September 22, 2006 | The Tribunal holds a hearing on jurisdiction in London. |
March 21, 2007 | The Tribunal issues a decision on jurisdiction and a recommendation on provisional measures. |
June 1, 2007 | The Tribunal issues a procedural order concerning procedural matters. |
June 25, 2007 | The parties file simultaneous requests for production of documents. |
July 16, 2007 | The Claimant files observations on the Respondent’s request for production of documents. |
July 17, 2007 | The Respondent files observations on the Claimant’s request for production of documents. |
August 9, 2007 | The Tribunal issues a procedural order concerning the parties’ respective requests for production of documents. |
October 22, 2007 | The Claimant files a reply on the merits. |
January 16, 2008 | The Respondent files a rejoinder on the merits. |
February 8, 2008 | The Tribunal issues a procedural order concerning the hearing on the merits. |
March 11, 2008 - March 14, 2008 | The Tribunal holds a hearing on the merits in London. |
June 3, 2009 | The Tribunal declares the proceeding closed. |
June 30, 2009 | The Tribunal renders its award. |