ICSID is pleased to announce that five new Associate Editors have joined the Centre’s flagship periodical—the ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal.
Kabir Duggal and Esmé Shirlow are Associate Editors for Case Comments, and Gloria Alvarez and Kiran Gore are Associate Editors for Book Reviews. Jeremy Sharpe assumes the role of Associate Editor for Notes. He joins Chester Brown, who will continue to serve as Associate Editor of the Notes section.
Meg Kinnear and Campbell McLachlan QC also continue in their roles of Editors-in-Chief.
“I am thrilled to welcome our new Associate Editors,” said Ms. Kinnear. “Each one brings tremendous knowledge of international investment law and dispute settlement to their new roles. I have no doubt that their energy and insight will be reflected in the pages of the ICSID Review in the years ahead.”
ICSID also wishes to thank the many individuals who have expressed their interest in supporting the ICSID Review as peer reviewers. Peer reviewers serve an essential role in assuring the journal’s high standards of quality.
Published with Oxford University Press, each issue of the ICSID Review features articles, case comments, documents, and book reviews on the law and practice relating to foreign investments, as well as the procedural and substantive law governing investment dispute resolution.
For more information on the ICSID Review, including subscription details, visit: https://academic.oup.com/icsidreview